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An eye on this world | Video

Verkaufspreis 50,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
Videokunst Marius D. Kettler | 2007 | DVD 2:21 min signiert limitiert
(*) Inklusive EU Versand (außer Inseln)
An eye on this world |  Videokunst Marius D. Kettler | 2007 | DVD  2:21 min signiert limitiert

One eye sees this world –
it seems one dimensional.

One mind sees this world –
it seems lonely.

Some people see this world –
it seems they believe what they see.

A community sees this world –
it seems like they know what has happened.

Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to think,
that the eye is the mirror of what you believe?

It’s a pity that your eye dictates what you have to believe!
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